96 Hodgson Rd #2, Fredericton, NB E3C 2G4
Ph: (506) 450-4382
96 Hodgson Rd #2, Fredericton, NB E3C 2G4
Ph: (506) 450-4382


7 Things You Need To Know About Working With a Coach or Trainer Today’s article is a fun one for me to write, since I get to lay out the important things that a client should understand and consider when they hire or decide to work with a coach, trainer, or team of individuals who...
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4 Random Thoughts for Faster Training Results This year marks my 22nd year of training myself and competing in various sports, as well as my 13th year coaching others.  All of this time in the iron game means that a LOT of random thoughts roll through my head every day. Along with my own training experience,...
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Regardless of my personal love for squats and deadlift variations, there are times in  training when the big bang exercises need to be replaced with more back friendly variations. You may be dealing with a back flare up, previous back injury or the potential risks of the big compound lifts simply outweigh the benefits for...
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Random Thoughts for Continued Strength improvements I am quite fortunate to get to work with hundreds of individuals every day and all week.  My facility and our team have such a diverse group of members that we work with in person, that it really opens up a lot of opportunity to see what works on...
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5 Management Strategies for Training with Back Pain If there is one topic I have had to learn a LOT about, it is dealing with both the psychological as well as physiological adjustments that need to be made when suffering from back pain.  Back in April of 2016, at the end of what felt like a...
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4 Simplified Tips for Building Muscle   Today I wanted to address an often over complicated topic in the sports and fitness world, and shed some light on a few simple tips that anyone can utilize to increase their hypertrophy goals. This topic could paralyze you with specific details, so for now let’s just hammer...
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This year marks my 13th year coaching and working within the fitness and sports performance industry, as well as my 7th year owning my own facility.  During those years I went through a series of drastic career changes, which exposed me to completely different fields and demographics. Luckily, after graduating in 2008, I already had...
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#2: “UnBREAK”  Your Deadlift April 7, 2016 The deadlift is awesome…Period! Confession…I have a personal love and deep attraction to the deadlift, likely because it has been one of my best lifts and the one I love to train the most.  I also find the deadlift, along with its family members such as cleans, power cleans,...
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#2: Mixed rep range drop sets for a BADASS big back! March 10, 2016 If there is one thing that guys and gals can agree on in today’s strength training world, it is that a big back is king and looks badass to boot!  Look at anyone sporting a thick and wide back and you know...
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